vun vs xeqt

VUN vs XEQT: A Comparative Analysis for Canadian Investors

Canadian investors have a wealth of options when it comes to building a diversified portfolio. Among the myriad of choices, VUN (Vanguard U.S. Total Market Index ETF) and XEQT (iShares Core Equity ETF Portfolio) stand out for their unique features and investment strategies. This post delves into the key differences and potential benefits of each ETF, helping investors make informed decisions based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Executive summary VUN vs XEQT

FeatureVUN (Vanguard U.S. Total Market Index ETF)XEQT (iShares Core Equity ETF Portfolio)
Market FocusU.S. EquitiesGlobal Equities
Number of StocksOver 3,500Over 9,000
Geographic ExposureUnited StatesCanada, U.S., Developed and Emerging Markets
Investment StrategyTracks CRSP US Total Market IndexInvests in iShares ETFs for global equity exposure
Equity Allocation100% U.S. Equities100% Global Equities
Management Expense Ratio (MER)LowLow
Risk ProfileVaried due to broad market exposureHigher, due to all-equity global portfolio
SuitabilityInvestors bullish on the U.S. marketInvestors seeking global diversification and higher risk tolerance
Growth PotentialHigh, with exposure to innovative U.S. companiesHigh, with diversified global market exposure
Portfolio ManagementSimplified U.S. market investmentSimplified global equity investment through a single transaction

VUN: Diving into the U.S. Market

VUN is designed to track the performance of the CRSP US Total Market Index, encompassing large-, mid-, small-, and micro-cap equity securities in the U.S. This ETF is a solid choice for investors looking to gain broad exposure to the U.S. stock market, benefiting from the growth potential of a wide range of U.S. companies.

Key Features:

Broad Exposure: VUN offers exposure to over 3,500 U.S. stocks, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the U.S. equity market.

Low Fees: With a low management expense ratio (MER), VUN is an economical choice for cost-conscious investors.

Growth Potential: The U.S. market is known for its innovative companies and growth opportunities, making VUN an attractive option for growth-oriented investors.

XEQT: Embracing Global Diversification

XEQT takes a different approach by offering investors an all-equity portfolio that spans global markets, including Canada, the U.S., developed international markets, and emerging markets. This ETF aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in iShares ETFs, thereby offering a diversified, global equity exposure.

Key Features:

Global Diversification: XEQT provides investors with exposure to over 9,000 stocks worldwide, reducing country-specific risks and taking advantage of global growth opportunities.

All-Equity Portfolio: Targeting 100% equity, XEQT is suitable for investors with a higher risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon.

Simplified Portfolio Management: By investing in XEQT, investors can achieve a diversified global equity portfolio through a single transaction, simplifying portfolio management.

Choosing Between VUN vs XEQT

The choice between VUN and XEQT boils down to your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and preference for market exposure.

U.S. vs. Global Exposure: If you’re bullish on the U.S. market and prefer concentrated exposure to U.S. equities, VUN might be your go-to. Conversely, if you value global diversification and want to spread your investments across various geographic regions, XEQT could be more aligned with your strategy.

Risk and Return Profile: VUN’s focus on the U.S. market might offer a different risk-return profile compared to XEQT’s global approach. Consider how each ETF fits within your overall risk tolerance and investment goals.

Investment Horizon: Both ETFs are suitable for long-term investors, but your horizon might influence your choice. XEQT’s global diversification might appeal more to those with a very long-term perspective and a belief in global economic growth.


Both VUN and XEQT offer unique advantages to Canadian investors, from VUN’s comprehensive U.S. market exposure to XEQT’s global diversification. When deciding between the two, consider how each aligns with your investment philosophy, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. Remember, the best choice is the one that fits seamlessly into your broader investment strategy, contributing to a well-rounded and resilient portfolio.